Wake Wood

Apologies for my recent radio silence. I suck. But, hell yeah.......

Sooo excited!!!! Check it out here

Back soon


  1. We will be waiting Jinx!
    It's kind of cool that your newest "blog header art" has you with your palm facing the audience...like the art for WAKE WOOD...cept no blood...and a friendlier message :)

  2. It's good to see Hammer back at work. I grew up on the films from the old Chris Lee/Peter Cushing/Barbara Steele days.

  3. I WANTS IT!


  4. I've been very disappointed with the new Hammer's releases especially "Let Me In" which I wasn't going to watch ever but did and hated. I don't think they'll ever recapture their heyday which, for me, was the '70s. I hope this new film does well but I fear the worst.

  5. There doesnt seem much room on the modern market for that good old cheese that Hammer used to create. But I hope that changes. I'll be watching out for this one!

    Cheers Jinx

  6. Just getting back to you on this now that I've seen it... it wasn't as bad as it could have been but... well, I think we all know a certain very famous Stephen King story which it is far too similar to. :(

  7. I'm looking forward to The Wake Wood at some point (not sure about a US release date). I'm glad to see the Hammer brand lurching back to life- I may be in the minority, but I actually enjoyed "Let Me In" (I thought it was superior to the original from a purely technical perspective, although it was also rather pointless as it added nothing new to the story). I hear what Dr. Blood is saying about the obvious similarity to Pet Semetary, but I can live with that sort of thing while Hammer gets back on its feet.


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