Versatile, Moi?

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Joe Monster from From Beyond Depraved. In fact, I love Joe so much I’d like to adopt him and make him my boy ward much like Bruce Wayne did with Dick Grayson. We could fight crime together and, as I’m fond of a snazzy costume and am liable to insist upon it, we’d doubtless look pretty fabulous doing it, there would probably be sequins.

Joe works tirelessly over at his awesome blog to spread the word about all the great things about horror and share his joyful enthusiasm with us the unwashed masses (the unwashed bit could be just me; it’s been a long week). He really is one of the most knowledgeable, witty and kind writers out there so please do pay a visit to my boy Howlin’ Joe and send him some good clean cyber love.

In recognition of his sterling efforts Joe was recently, and justly, awarded the Versatile Blogger award and he has been kind enough to pass that award on to me, sweetly ignoring the fact that my versatility extends mainly as far as discourse on boobies and pointless asides about myself. But my own peculiarities aside, I’m honoured to have been among Joe’s chosen and to have been included alongside so many phenomenal blogs.

Now, lovely Joe reliably informs me that the acceptance rules for this honour are thus:

• Thank the person who gave it to you.
• Share 7 things about yourself.
• Pass the award along to 15 who you have recently discovered and who you think fantastic for whatever reason.
• Contact the blogs you picked and let them know about the award.

Ok, so here I go, once again a big thank you to Joe, go and read his blog now it’s awesome and one of the happiest places to be on this here internet. He has also just launched his latest venture Evil Cats (awesome!) and you should read that too.

Right, it’s all about me now, so pay attention. And now here are seven (PG rated) things you probably really didn’t need to know about me:

1) I recently had my little brother and sister’s names tattooed on my wrists. Feel free to say ‘aw’ if you like.
2) I love puppies. So much so whenever I even see puppies on TV my eyes well up with tears. Feel free to point and laugh.
3) I’m prone to incongruous obsessions. American Gladiators was the last one, but my most recent one is Hidden Object Games or HOGs as us kids on the street call them. I’m scared I may next decide LARPing is a good idea.
4) I have this recurring dream where I’m diligently searching a familiar house or building desperately looking for something terribly important, but all I keep finding is a dwarf playing the organ. I NEVER want to know what this means.
5) I’ve been vegetarian for 25 years. There is no ethical reason for this. I had an early crush on George Harrison and he was vegetarian so I thought I would be too. A marvellous triumph for doing things because boys do. I once fell out of tree for that same reason.
6) For a long time as a child, and sometimes still now, all I wanted to be was David Bowie out of Labyrinth. I think it must have been the hair and the outfits, or some strange chemical imbalance, but I still feel I could carry this look off.

7) When I got married I walked down the aisle to ‘God Gave Rock ‘n’ Roll to You’ by Kiss.

Now the fun bit: I now get to spread the love to some of my favourite people. Woo hoo! I would very much like to pass this award on to the following amazing blogs, all of which never fail to inform, amuse and inspire me. Please check them all out:

Carfax Abbey
Lavender Lair of Horror
Post-Mortem Depression
Zombie Cupcake
The Celluloid Highway
Terror Titans
Watching Hammer; the Hammer Films Review
Dollar Bin Horror
Running Over Cujo with Christine
The Bleaux Leaux Reveaux
Creepy Kitch
Scare Sarah
Hammer and Beyond
Little Miss Zombie


  1. Well thanks so much!
    I just popped over to find out what Pinky had on his head, and find this waiting instead!
    Chuffed I am, but I promise it won't change me.
    Actually, as I also write for Hammer & Beyond, and have just done a guest post for Watching Hammer, that technically makes me a three-time winner. Do I get some sort of special badge or something in recognition of this, to distinguish me from the ordinary people who only won once?

  2. I did partially consider this at the time. I can only assume that, from my limited award experience, it's like a Blue Peter badge only you've now got a gold one like the queen, or people who do extraordinary and brave things like footballers or Goldie the dog. Maybe you're now entitled to govern a small principality somewhere. Yes, I think that must be it.

  3. I would be your tight-wearing sidekick any day of the week, Jinx! I would insist on having sequins and maybe a little bit of glitter to make us some fierce lookin fighters.

    Your words made me blush on many ocassions and I know that I wouldn't choose to give this award to anyone else if I had the chance. Your quirkiness and uniqueness are what make you so damn infectious and memorable. I just feel like a jerk for not commenting on your material more often!

    I think your love of puppies is adorable and your dwarf dreams are deliciously surreal. I'll spare you all the Freudian analysis that goes with that for now.

    Oh and you being David Bowie's character? LEGENDARY. =) Keep up the great work!

  4. Yay, I got me a super cool boy ward! This is the best day ever! I don't need any presents for the next three birthdays and Christmases. Boy Wonder Joe, we'll be the greatest of the superhero duos, either that or we could form a glam metal band, hell, maybe both.
    Oh, and thank you so much for saying such lovely things, that just puts the glitter on the best day ever, and we can't be without glitter.

  5. Thank you for this honor. This is the first blog award I've received, so I'm pretty jazzed!

    You're a goddess!

    A second benefit is that I've now got this vivid image in my head of Joe in tights and's a good look for you, Joe! :-)

  6. Wouldn't have left you off the list, Jack, you're fantastic and I'm so glad you are pleased. It was my first award of any kind ever too, it is exciting. Can't wait to read your 7 facts. Glad my new boy ward in sequins and tights pleased you too. I think I may have to get a portrait of me and Joe commissioned to commemorate, something pretentious in oils I think.
    Oh, and you must let me know how the accordion festival goes. That is the best thing I've heard in ages.

  7. Them's some interesting factoids! But... I reckon UK Gladiators was always better than American Gladiators, due to the (ahem) subtle frisson between Ulrika Jonsson and Hunter. And walking down the aisle to "God Gave Rock 'n' Roll to You"? Awesome, just... AWESOME!

  8. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! This means ALOT to me! Your a sweetheart!

  9. Hi, Melissa, so lovely to see you. You are more than welcome, it's completely my pleasure. Do hope you are doing ok.

  10. Congratulations! And thank you for the sponsorship (I only know one Jinx, so I'm hoping it's you... otherwise this post is gonna look mightily dumb ;-)). So thanks and congrats again.

  11. Hey, Joel, what a pleasure to see you. Ha ha, you're far from dumb, my dear, I am the guilty Jinx and frankly it was the least I could do for a great cause, and for the countless hours of entertainment you've given me. I hope you'll let us know how it goes. Half a marathon! I'm in awe of you.

    Go and sponser Joel everyone!

  12. Thank you so much! Very much greatly appreciated.


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