Wedlock and Roll!!!

At the end of this week my husband and I are celebrating four years of wedlock and roll. As it's Halloween we shall be marking this occasion by getting all zombied up and probably whiskied up too. Yup, marriage rocks. Speaking of marriage, our own Matthew Coniam got all wedded up last weekend, stop by and congratulate him.

As after four whole years I'm clearly an expert at this marriage lark, I feel I'm entitled to start handing out unsolicited advice. However, as marriage clearly does rock I can't see why any advice would be required, be in love, have fun, easy. So instead I will impart anniversary advice, and here it is:  traditional anniversary gifts relating to each particular year of marriage are stupid, change them. My husband and I have celebrated our leopard skin, tattoo, and PVC anniversaries and we feel it makes gift giving a much happier and more personal experience. By god I'm good at this. Right, now my wisdom has been well and truly imparted I'm off to anticipate our plutonium anniversary. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. C!!!!


  1. Congrats!
    Glad to hear some couples are keepin' on keepin' on.

  2. Congratulations! :D

    And I agree, traditional gifts are rubbish - it's all about making it personal. Although we don't really celebrate it, for Valentines Day, my man got me a can of tomato soup, some Worcester sauce crisps and a can of Fruit Punch, as they're all 'us' things, haha.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  3. Yeah!!! Congrats Jinx (and Mr. J :) )
    Zombified for your anniversay sounds cool.
    Me and my wife celebrate our anniversary on Friday the 29th.

  4. Congrats on 4 years! love definitely rocks!!

  5. Oh, thank you so much. You guys are the best.

  6. Congratulations, Jinx! I've been married all of 6 months this week and it's great to see people committed for the long haul. Enjoy your lives together!

  7. Congratulations! I hope you had a great anniversary. You two look so cute together.

  8. Awwwwwwww... you warm my lil black heart. I hope it was a wonderful day!

  9. Thanks so much for the congrats!
    The wedding was terrific - now I'm looking forward to our DVD anniversary, closely followed by the 'Sorry I forgot, I'll get you a present tomorrow I promise' anniversary.


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